Kitchen Refrigerator Tips

This month we’re giving away a “Deluxe Kitchen Package” so here are some interesting kitchen tips for you.

There are some foods that are actively made worse by refrigeration. These are the items you should absolutely keep away from cold.

Definitely Don’t Refrigerate…


Refrigeration causes the starch in potatoes to turn to sugar, and while this might sound like a good thing, it gives them the wrong flavor. The skins will also darken prematurely while cooking, making them look less appetizing.

Here’s a weird one. You don’t have to refrigerate onions, but you do need to keep them physically separated from the potatoes. Spuds emit moisture and gases that will make your onions rot. Your best bet is to keep onions in the mesh bag they came in—they like air circulation.

Again, air circulation is key. Garlic bulbs will keep for two months without refrigeration, and if you keep them out of the damp air of the fridge you’ll avoid making all your other nearby produce smell like garlic. Some even say that refrigeration will make garlic sprout prematurely.

Is there anything more delicious and healthy than a ripe avocado? Avocado won’t ripen in cold conditions, so unless you need them to keep for awhile, you should let yours live outside the refrigerator until they’re ready to eat. There’s a popular legend suggesting the presence of the pit prevents browning, so if you only use half of an avocado, be sure to reserve the side with the pit.

Cold breaks down the cell walls in tomato flesh and causes them to become mushy and mealy. For better results, store them at room temperature and keep them out of direct sunlight, which can ripen them early and unevenly.


To read the full story of refrigerator do’s and don’ts CLICK HERE